Movie Ketchup | about

web site by queery

What is 'Movie Ketchup'

Short answer: It's where I post my movie essays!

Long answer: Most of the time I watch a movie, I feel like I'm playing "catch up" because I've probably already seen something about it online. I watch a lot movies, and I have a degree in Literature, so sometimes I want to write out something about the movies I've been watching. Other times, I need to explain something to a friend, and this is a place where I can do that.

Who is 'queery'

queery is me: Ivy! I'm a trans lesbian from Maryland who likes synthesizers, movies, and hiking.

What kind of movies do you like?

I like all kinds of movies! I've been watching about one movie every day since November 2024, and it's really helped broaden and refine my tastes. The things I tend to enjoy most are the sublime (e.g. "Encounters at the End of the Earth" by Werner Herzog), failure (e.g. "The Two Towers" by Peter Jackson), and polish (e.g. "Mad Max: Fury Road" by George Miller).

What are your essays like?

I like writing things that are entertaining to read! For me, it helps make the things I'm trying to express and process a bit easier to digest. I also like playing silly games, like filling up the entire space on a Twitter/Bluesky post, or making little puns in an otherwise serious line. I am a firm believer that writing, editing, and reading should be fun for everyone!